Saturday 11 June 2011

Rear Window

Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock

A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.

A wheelchair bounded photographer thinks that a guy in front of his apartment has committed a murder...

He is watching people undress...One lady at a time...

Ok...I am a Hitchcock fan and oh my god! this movie did not live up to my expectation...It is boring...Plain...Silly...We are even trapped in a wheel chair like that guy...thinking something exciting would ever happen and It is suspenseful and thrilling...Only at the end...I don't think why this movie is rated higher than other Hitchcock movies but I did not find anything special in this one...James Stewart's acting is memorable and some scenes are humorous...Other that that this movie isn't special...

Worth watching more than twice?
I guess not...but I have seen people enjoying it...

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