Saturday 11 June 2011

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme

Believe me, You don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head.

A young detective is sent to seek advice from a cannibal-psychiatrist in order to capture an on-the-run psycho killer

Anthony Hopkins portrays the worst and most disturbing villain of movies...All of the scenes in which he appears are powerful and scary...However people do not get afraid of him once he leaves...Why?..Because he is a good guy here...Oh my god! a villain doing good...He is a mass murderer and a cannibal...Right...the guys who eat humans... Jodie Foster portrays an innocent and naive girl..I felt the presence of a beauty and the beast movie in this...Their acting is the only reason why this movie is even successful...Ok...The plot is awesome too..What is the difference between this movie and Hannibal? Well...This movie is shown from Clarice's perspective...Hannibal is shown from duh...Hannibal's perspective...

He eats livers with Fava beans and Nice Chi-an-ti...

Worth watching more than once?...
I doubt it...


I can hardly believe the ending scene...Atleast I tried to :-)..

The Matrix

The Matrix - Wachowski Bros.

No one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

A computer hacker is selected by an underground group which reveals him the true face of the world ruled by machines and informs him that he is "The One" (hint hint) to save mankind...

Matrix...Is the beginning of a new age of movies...Many movies are sprung out of Matrix...The plot...well it isn't complex but it isn't easily understandable either...Keanu Reeves is the perfect Neo and Both Larry Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss have given their powerful performances...Oh I forgot to mention Hugo Weaving...This movie should never be missed and it will always be entertaining both for movie goers and movie geeks...It is visually stunning and an impressive journey through a believable and powerful plot...Even the action scenes are powerful...People may not have heard about Dark City and Strange Days...However this movie is loosely based on them and even gave a chance in reviving them...This movie is sure not to be missed...

This isn't Matrix...Its a Screensaver

Worth watching more than twice!!

Everything in it...

People might find "everything in it" too complicated and annoying...

Definitely Guaranteed (Two Thumbs Up)

Rear Window

Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock

A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.

A wheelchair bounded photographer thinks that a guy in front of his apartment has committed a murder...

He is watching people undress...One lady at a time...

Ok...I am a Hitchcock fan and oh my god! this movie did not live up to my expectation...It is boring...Plain...Silly...We are even trapped in a wheel chair like that guy...thinking something exciting would ever happen and It is suspenseful and thrilling...Only at the end...I don't think why this movie is rated higher than other Hitchcock movies but I did not find anything special in this one...James Stewart's acting is memorable and some scenes are humorous...Other that that this movie isn't special...

Worth watching more than twice?
I guess not...but I have seen people enjoying it...

Not Guaranteed

Fight Club

Fight Club - David Fincher

This is your life and it is ending minute at a time...

A guy with a troubled life and insomnia meets a guy who sells soap and they both...well...fight and this becomes a trend among men and gangs of "Fight club" are established which goes to the next level to create mayhem in the streets...

Fight Club is what you can call an Event...It creates a new history in film making through its violence and male aggression..Fight Club may offer entertainment to casual movie goers and may offer amusement to movie geeks and may offer spirituality in boys too...It is very entertaining and the acting part provided by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton is exceptional...It is too violent...A tradeoff...Though it is entertaining and filled with black comedy and It also has one of the best movie twists...I saw it coming...Still! It was awesome!!...Ok...This movie is mostly appreciated by boys but meh...I have seen bad @&& girls all around the town...

Bob got biatczh titz

Worth watching more than once...
It never gets dull...


Its a movie about masculinity...

Definitely Guaranteed (Two Thumbs up)

Friday 10 June 2011

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight - Christopher Nolan

Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. Hit me!

People start to lose faith on Batman...A new guy called Joker is on the streets with a sore motive of revealing Batman's identity and people start to believe in Harvey Dent who is considering the law in bringing down Joker...But Joker is on the wrong side of the tracks causing havoc all around Gotham City and even Bringing down their hope...Harvey Dent...

Batman and Joker got something in Common...
The Gyllenhaals as their love interests...

Ok...Batman..Dark Knight...Did you get goosebumps hearing it? No I didn't get any...I already got it before watching it but not anymore...It runs because of Necro-hype...Ok nevermind..Basically this movie is fantastic...The direction part is a masterpiece and the portrayal of joker is done excellently by Heath Ledger...Batman did a good job as a throat cancer patient..Aaron Eckhart was awesome as Two face...This movie is a sure one of a heck comic movie and the best super hero movie of all time...Dialogues are perfect and awesome too...Dark Knight is a sure movie to watch both by batman fans and Batman to-be fans...I enjoyed it and no wonder it is considered the best movie of 2008


Failed Hype...Underusd bigshots like Morgan Freeman...Draggy

Definitely Guaranteed (Two Thumbs up)


Inception - Christopher Nolan

It's gonna get worse as we go deeper

Cobb is a guy who is a genius when it comes to extracting dreams (YES! out of your mind)...His job becomes a failure when the victim identified him and now cobb is given a chance to redeem his life for which he has to do what no one had done yet...Inception...His job is far worse than he could expect due to his emotions and his wife Mal which makes his life..Including his mates' life at risk

Ok...I watched this movie thinking that it would be a complete mind F@#k but No...It wasn't...All it requires is some tedious attention which I gave while watching it and noticed how plain the characters were...I couldn't understand other people's abilities and the plot seemed to deviate on the way.. Leonardo DiCaprio did a good job acting as a con man as usual and Marion Cotillard did enough justice to the movie...Other than that the direction wasn't special and the dialogues were funny...Nothing much as memorable performances given here...If you watch movies for enjoyment...This sure can be a fun ride because of its Powerful Plot...

Yeah! ugh... Deeper! ugh... Deeper!

Worth watching more than once...
For people who did not understand this movie the first time or the second time (-.-)

Leonardo DiCaprio's Acting and The Plot

Too much hype and obviously too much expectation 

Guaranteed (Thumbs up)

12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men - Sidney Lumet

We're not convinced. We want to hear them again. We have as much time as it takes. 

Well...This movie is about an open and shut case which turns into an heated argument between 12 jurors who are asked to judge the boy and decide the court's decision...

Ok...I had no hope the boy would not be guilty..I do not want to spoil the movie but this movie is one of the best classics...The plot may be simple and the movie itself may be simple...However Sidney Lumet had large intentions in deciding each and everyone's characters...Unique and different...The ending isn't pleasent but it is what one could expect coming...The character played by Henry Fonda is exceptional...One could expect sheer entertainment and thrill from watching this movie...Even the walls can be imagined closing in towards the heated argument within the jurors...You may even begin to doubt the truth...If only Fonda was a juror...Even the cases having lowest possibility can be won (-.-)

One of the guy is a racist

Worth watching more than once?
Each characters are unique...Just like everybody...The plot itself would wind itself and each watch would be different

Acting...Powerful Direction and Grippy Plot...

People might find the plot boring and the movie too draggy

Definitely Guaranteed (Two Thumbs up)

The Shawshank Redempton

The Shawshank redemption - Frank Darabont

I had to come to prison to be a crook.

Well...A guy called Andy is sent to jail for killing his wife (Or did he not?) and he makes friends with the prisoners easily..A guy called Red is impressed by his qualities and the movie shows the bonding between them...

People weren't allowed to take bath in prison regularly

Well...I can't understand why IMDb has this move in its #1 position but meh...It was good and not too good...It is a movie about (One could confuse with homosexuality) and a path of fighting despair...The movie is full of memorable performances...Powerful acting and direction...People say its depressing and oh my god the best movie on earth...I don't think so...It isn't depressing...You may feel attaining redemption...But by that time the movie would have made you sleepy...This movie should be praised...It is a fine and a good movie and does its best portraying a prison (Dark and creepy) but it shouldn't be high enough...It is indeed worth watching more than two times...

P.S: Watch it if you are ready for a loong movie

Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins...

Too draggy and boring and overrated

Guaranteed...(Two Thumbs up)

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick (X Rating)

Naughty, naughty, naughty! You filthy old soomka! 

Plot Summary:
The plot goes like this...Alex is a youth who does all the bad things one can imagine and he goes to prison...In order to get released...Alex decides to be an initiative of a treatment which is going to be used for the first time...Alex is then released and He has got a worst nightmare waiting for him...

Alex is portrayed as one of the worst villains of all time by an excellent Malcolm McDowell...He never justifies his own actions...First..Oh my god this is Kubrick...He has given a powerful direction which is filled with both humor and sadistic scenes...Though this movie is rated X this movie is a must watch for those guys who  DO NOT imitate people in movies...Of course people might find Nadsat (A language spoken by the protagonist mostly) idiotic and silly and the violence brutal the sex scenes disgusting..However its morality and the themes discussed in it are exceptional and universally significant...Excellent black comedy on free will and society...The music well...Its Awesome...

Fake eyelashes - Real Horrorshow

This movie is completely ridden with symbolism and recurring motifs...So it begs for watching it atleast four times...and its worth it...
People might find some scenes Disturbing

P.S: Director tries to play tricks...Please Watch It Alone

Powerful Acting and Direction...Super cool Plot

Violence and Sex

Definitely Guaranteed (Two Thumbs Up)

Thursday 9 June 2011

All right...Its show time

Ok...This is where the blog starts...1130 hours here and a good time to start too...This blog is Mostly about movies...leastly about something else...Well people may find this useless and retarded but If you are picking your movies from rentals or planning to watch these movies...Its a good advice to make a note here and I can guarantee its spoiler free and corruption free...I have planned to review movies unbiased although I got favourites here and there..Ok here it goes